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Highnote app icon graphic

Now You Know.


Overwhelmed? We can help. Highnote combines the team's experience with a healthy dose of AI to power a mentor in your pocket.

A hand holding a phoneScreenshot of the Highnote app

Wired for connection.

With Highnote, when you help one, you help many, contributing to the emerging knowledge network.

Medical knowledge doubles every 73 days.
No one can keep up alone.
A hand holding a phoneScreenshot of the Highnote app

How it works

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Share what you know and feel great about it
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Find what you need with ease and speed
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Stay current and curious
A hand holding a phoneScreenshot of the Highnote app

Learning the hard way is for the birds...

Don't solve problems alone when others have dealt with a similar situation before.

How it works

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AI-powered conversations
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Snackable, summarized information
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Accurate transcription and search

Reach farther.
Get further.

Contribute answers and insights to save time, earn credit, and watch the ripple effect.

Today, 60% of questions go unanswered
because providers doubt they can find a helpful answer or the right person who knows what to do.
A hand holding a phoneScreenshot of the Highnote app

How it works

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Reply if you can or refer to a colleague
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Share successes or a learning in real-time
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Easily reference evidence and protocols

Shake it up.

You know what you don’t know... or do you? Stay engaged with cutting edge healthcare folks and topics.

How it works

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Summaries and keywords provide at-a-glance context
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Personalized discovery and format (video, voice, or text)
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Transparent references and diverse perspectives
A hand holding a phoneScreenshot of the Highnote app

Attitude of gratitude.

Real-time recognition and gratitude bring joy to work.

40% of new graduate nurses leave in the first three years.
Positive and supportive work culture significantly decreases turnover.
A hand holding a phoneScreenshot of the Highnote app

How it works

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Acknowledge groups or individuals
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Share ongoing positive feedback
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Earn credit for giving and receiving gratitude
A hand holding a phoneScreenshot of the Highnote app
Coming Soon

It pays to pay it forward.

Your contributions not only help others, you will also help them earn continuing education (CE) credit toward their license renewal requirements.

How it works

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CE automatically tracked with use
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Built-in questionnaires and certificates
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Multiple licenses and roles supported
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Highnote app icon graphic